Turn Buffer instances into "pointers"

What is ref?

ref is a native addon for Node.js that aids in doing C programming in JavaScript, by extending the built-in Buffer class with some fancy additions like:

There is indeed a lot of meat to ref, but it all fits together in one way or another in the end.
For simplicity, ref's API can be broken down into 3 sections:

ref exports

All the static versions of ref's functions and default "types" available on the exports returned from require('ref').

"type" system

The "type" system allows you to define a "type" on any Buffer instance, and then use generic ref() and deref() functions to reference and dereference values.

Buffer extensions

Buffer.prototype gets extended with some convenience functions. These all just mirror their static counterpart, using the Buffer's this variable as the buffer variable.

ref exports

This section documents all the functions exported from require('ref').

ref.NULL ⇒ Buffer

A Buffer that references the C NULL pointer. That is, its memory address points to 0. Its length is 0 because accessing any data from this buffer would cause a segmentation fault.

<SlowBuffer@0x0 >

ref.NULL_POINTER ⇒ Buffer

NULL_POINTER is a pointer-sized Buffer instance pointing to NULL. Conceptually, it's equivalent to the following C code:

char *null_pointer;
null_pointer = NULL;

ref.address(Buffer buffer) → Number

Accepts a Buffer instance and returns the memory address of the buffer instance.

console.log(ref.address(new Buffer(1)));


ref.alloc(Object|String type, ? value) → Buffer

Returns a new Buffer instance big enough to hold type, with the given value written to it.

var intBuf = ref.alloc(ref.types.int)
var int_with_4 = ref.alloc(ref.types.int, 4)

ref.allocCString(String string, String encoding) → Buffer

Returns a new Buffer instance with the given String written to it with the given encoding (defaults to 'utf8'). The buffer is 1 byte longer than the string itself, and is NUL terminated.

var buf = ref.allocCString('hello world');

'hello world\u0000'

ref.coerceType(Object|String type) → Object

Coerces a "type" object from a String or an actual "type" object. String values are looked up from the ref.types Object. So:

Throws an Error if no valid "type" object could be determined. Most ref functions use this function under the hood, so anywhere a "type" object is expected, a String may be passed as well, including simply setting the buffer.type property.

var type = ref.coerceType('int **');


ref.deref(Buffer buffer) → ?

Accepts a Buffer instance and attempts to "dereference" it. That is, first it checks the indirection count of buffer's "type", and if it's greater than 1 then it merely returns another Buffer, but with one level less indirection.

When buffer's indirection is at 1, then it checks for buffer.type which should be an Object with its own get() function.

var buf = ref.alloc('int', 6);

var val = ref.deref(buf);

ref.derefType(Object|String type) → Object

Returns a new clone of the given "type" object, with its indirection level decremented by 1.

ref.endianness ⇒ String

A string that represents the native endianness of the machine's processor. The possible values are either "LE" or "BE".


ref.get(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Object|String type) → ?

Calls the get() function of the Buffer's current "type" (or the passed in type if present) at the given offset.

This function handles checking the "indirection" level and returning a proper "dereferenced" Bufffer instance when necessary.

ref.getType(Buffer buffer) → Object

Returns the "type" property of the given Buffer. Creates a default type for the buffer when none exists.

ref.isNull(Buffer buffer) → Boolean

Accepts a Buffer instance and returns true if the buffer represents the NULL pointer, false otherwise.

console.log(ref.isNull(new Buffer(1)));


ref.readCString(Buffer buffer, Number offset) → String

Returns a JavaScript String read from buffer at the given offset. The C String is read until the first NULL byte, which indicates the end of the String.

This function can read beyond the length of a Buffer.

var buf = new Buffer('hello\0world\0');

var str = ref.readCString(buf, 0);

ref.readInt64BE(Buffer buffer, Number offset) → Number|String

Returns a big-endian signed 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64BE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');

var val = ref.readInt64BE(buf, 0)

ref.readInt64LE(Buffer buffer, Number offset) → Number|String

Returns a little-endian signed 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64LE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');

var val = ref.readInt64LE(buf, 0)

ref.readObject(Buffer buffer, Number offset) → Object

Reads a JavaScript Object that has previously been written to the given buffer at the given offset.

var obj = { foo: 'bar' };
var buf = ref.alloc('Object', obj);

var obj2 = ref.readObject(buf, 0);
console.log(obj === obj2);

ref.readPointer(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Number length) → Buffer

Reads a Buffer instance from the given buffer at the given offset. The size parameter specifies the length of the returned Buffer instance, which defaults to 0.

var buf = new Buffer('hello world');
var pointer = ref.alloc('pointer');

var buf2 = ref.readPointer(pointer, 0, buf.length);
'hello world'

ref.readUInt64BE(Buffer buffer, Number offset) → Number|String

Returns a big-endian unsigned 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64BE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');

var val = ref.readUInt64BE(buf, 0)

ref.readUInt64LE(Buffer buffer, Number offset) → Number|String

Returns a little-endian unsigned 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64LE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');

var val = ref.readUInt64LE(buf, 0)

ref.ref(Buffer buffer) → Buffer

ref() accepts a Buffer instance and returns a new Buffer instance that is "pointer" sized and has its data pointing to the given Buffer instance. Essentially the created Buffer is a "reference" to the original pointer, equivalent to the following C code:

char *buf = buffer;
char **ref = &buf;

ref.refType(Object|String type) → Object

Returns a new clone of the given "type" object, with its indirection level incremented by 1.

Say you wanted to create a type representing a void *:

var voidPtrType = ref.refType(ref.types.void);

ref.reinterpret(Buffer buffer, Number size, Number offset) → Buffer

Returns a new Buffer instance with the specified size, with the same memory address as buffer.

This function "attaches" buffer to the returned Buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.

ref.reinterpretUntilZeros(Buffer buffer, Number size, Number offset) → Buffer

Accepts a Buffer instance and a number of NULL bytes to read from the pointer. This function will scan past the boundary of the Buffer's length until it finds size number of aligned NULL bytes.

This is useful for finding the end of NUL-termintated array or C string. For example, the readCString() function could be implemented like:

function readCString (buf) {
  return ref.reinterpretUntilZeros(buf, 1).toString('utf8')

This function "attaches" buffer to the returned Buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.

ref.set(Buffer buffer, Number offset, ? value, Object|String type)

Calls the set() function of the Buffer's current "type" (or the passed in type if present) at the given offset.

This function handles checking the "indirection" level writing a pointer rather than calling the set() function if the indirection is greater than 1.

ref.writeCString(Buffer buffer, Number offset, String string, String encoding)

Writes the given string as a C String (NULL terminated) to the given buffer at the given offset. "encoding" is optional and defaults to 'utf8'.

Unlike readCString(), this function requires the buffer to actually have the proper length.

ref.writeInt64BE(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Number|String input)

Writes the input Number or String as a big-endian signed 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64BE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');

ref.writeInt64LE(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Number|String input)

Writes the input Number or String as a little-endian signed 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64LE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');

ref.writeObject(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Object object)

Writes a pointer to object into buffer at the specified _offset.

This function "attaches" object to buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.

var buf = ref.alloc('Object');
ref.writeObject(buf, 0, { foo: 'bar' });

ref.writePointer(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Buffer pointer)

Writes the memory address of pointer to buffer at the specified offset.

This function "attaches" object to buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.

var someBuffer = new Buffer('whatever');
var buf = ref.alloc('pointer');
ref.writePointer(buf, 0, someBuffer);

ref.writeUInt64BE(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Number|String input)

Writes the input Number or String as a big-endian unsigned 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64BE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');

ref.writeUInt64LE(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Number|String input)

Writes the input Number or String as a little-endian unsigned 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64LE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');

ref._attach(Buffer buffer, Object|Buffer object)

Attaches object to buffer such that it prevents object from being garbage collected until buffer does.

ref._reinterpret(Buffer buffer, Number size, Number offset) → Buffer

Same as ref.reinterpret(), except that this version does not attach buffer to the returned Buffer, which is potentially unsafe if the garbage collector runs.

ref._reinterpretUntilZeros(Buffer buffer, Number size, Number offset) → Buffer

Same as ref.reinterpretUntilZeros(), except that this version does not attach buffer to the returned Buffer, which is potentially unsafe if the garbage collector runs.

ref._writeObject(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Object object)

Same as ref.writeObject(), except that this version does not attach the Object to the Buffer, which is potentially unsafe if the garbage collector runs.

ref._writePointer(Buffer buffer, Number offset, Buffer pointer)

Same as ref.writePointer(), except that this version does not attach pointer to buffer, which is potentially unsafe if the garbage collector runs.

"type" system

A "type" in ref is simply an plain 'ol JavaScript Object, with a set of expected properties attached that implement the logic for getting & setting values on a given Buffer instance.

To attach a "type" to a Buffer instance, you simply attach the "type" object to the Buffer's type property. ref comes with a set of commonly used types which are described in this section.

Creating your own "type"

It's trivial to create your own "type" that reads and writes your own custom datatype/class to and from Buffer instances using ref's unified API.
To create your own "type", simply create a JavaScript Object with the following properties defined:

NameData TypeDescription
sizeNumberThe size in bytes required to hold this datatype.
indirectionNumberThe current level of indirection of the buffer. When defining your own "types", just set this value to 1.
getFunctionThe function to invoke when ref.get() is invoked on a buffer of this type.
setFunctionThe function to invoke when ref.set() is invoked on a buffer of this type.
nameString(Optional) The name to use during debugging for this datatype.
alignmentNumber(Optional) The alignment of this datatype when placed inside a struct. Defaults to the type's size.

The built-in "types"

Here is the list of ref's built-in "type" Objects. All these built-in "types" can be found on the ref.types export Object. All the built-in types use "native endianness" when multi-byte datatypes are involved.


The void type.


The int8 type.


The uint8 type.


The int16 type.


The uint16 type.


The int32 type.


The uint32 type.


The int64 type.


The uint64 type.


The float type.


The double type.


The Object type. This can be used to read/write regular JS Objects into raw memory.


The CString (a.k.a "string") type.

CStrings are a kind of weird thing. We say it's sizeof(char *), and indirection level of 1, which means that we have to return a Buffer that is pointer sized, and points to a some utf8 string data, so we have to create a 2nd "in-between" buffer.


The bool type.

Wrapper type around types.uint8 that accepts/returns true or false Boolean JavaScript values.


The byte type.


The char type.


The uchar type.


The short type.


The ushort type.


The int type.


The uint type.


The long type.


The ulong type.


The longlong type.


The ulonglong type.


The size_t type.

Buffer extensions

Buffer.prototype gets extended with some convenience functions that you can use in your modules and/or applications.


Shorthand for ref.address(this, …).

Accepts a Buffer instance and returns the memory address of the buffer instance.

console.log(ref.address(new Buffer(1)));



Shorthand for ref.deref(this, …).

Accepts a Buffer instance and attempts to "dereference" it. That is, first it checks the indirection count of buffer's "type", and if it's greater than 1 then it merely returns another Buffer, but with one level less indirection.

When buffer's indirection is at 1, then it checks for buffer.type which should be an Object with its own get() function.

var buf = ref.alloc('int', 6);

var val = ref.deref(buf);


Shorthand for ref.hexAddress(this, …).


ref overwrites the default Buffer#inspect() function to include the hex-encoded memory address of the Buffer instance when invoked.

This is simply a nice-to-have.


console.log(new Buffer('ref'));
<Buffer 72 65 66>


console.log(new Buffer('ref'));
<Buffer@0x103015490 72 65 66>


Shorthand for ref.isNull(this, …).

Accepts a Buffer instance and returns true if the buffer represents the NULL pointer, false otherwise.

console.log(ref.isNull(new Buffer(1)));



Shorthand for ref.readCString(this, …).

Returns a JavaScript String read from buffer at the given offset. The C String is read until the first NULL byte, which indicates the end of the String.

This function can read beyond the length of a Buffer.

var buf = new Buffer('hello\0world\0');

var str = ref.readCString(buf, 0);


Shorthand for ref.readInt64BE(this, …).

Returns a big-endian signed 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64BE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');

var val = ref.readInt64BE(buf, 0)


Shorthand for ref.readInt64LE(this, …).

Returns a little-endian signed 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64LE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');

var val = ref.readInt64LE(buf, 0)


Shorthand for ref.readObject(this, …).

Reads a JavaScript Object that has previously been written to the given buffer at the given offset.

var obj = { foo: 'bar' };
var buf = ref.alloc('Object', obj);

var obj2 = ref.readObject(buf, 0);
console.log(obj === obj2);


Shorthand for ref.readPointer(this, …).

Reads a Buffer instance from the given buffer at the given offset. The size parameter specifies the length of the returned Buffer instance, which defaults to 0.

var buf = new Buffer('hello world');
var pointer = ref.alloc('pointer');

var buf2 = ref.readPointer(pointer, 0, buf.length);
'hello world'


Shorthand for ref.readUInt64BE(this, …).

Returns a big-endian unsigned 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64BE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');

var val = ref.readUInt64BE(buf, 0)


Shorthand for ref.readUInt64LE(this, …).

Returns a little-endian unsigned 64-bit int read from buffer at the given offset.

If the returned value will fit inside a JavaScript Number without losing precision, then a Number is returned, otherwise a String is returned.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64LE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');

var val = ref.readUInt64LE(buf, 0)


Shorthand for ref.ref(this, …).

ref() accepts a Buffer instance and returns a new Buffer instance that is "pointer" sized and has its data pointing to the given Buffer instance. Essentially the created Buffer is a "reference" to the original pointer, equivalent to the following C code:

char *buf = buffer;
char **ref = &buf;


Shorthand for ref.reinterpret(this, …).

Returns a new Buffer instance with the specified size, with the same memory address as buffer.

This function "attaches" buffer to the returned Buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.


Shorthand for ref.reinterpretUntilZeros(this, …).

Accepts a Buffer instance and a number of NULL bytes to read from the pointer. This function will scan past the boundary of the Buffer's length until it finds size number of aligned NULL bytes.

This is useful for finding the end of NUL-termintated array or C string. For example, the readCString() function could be implemented like:

function readCString (buf) {
  return ref.reinterpretUntilZeros(buf, 1).toString('utf8')

This function "attaches" buffer to the returned Buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.


Shorthand for ref.writeCString(this, …).

Writes the given string as a C String (NULL terminated) to the given buffer at the given offset. "encoding" is optional and defaults to 'utf8'.

Unlike readCString(), this function requires the buffer to actually have the proper length.


Shorthand for ref.writeInt64BE(this, …).

Writes the input Number or String as a big-endian signed 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64BE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');


Shorthand for ref.writeInt64LE(this, …).

Writes the input Number or String as a little-endian signed 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('int64');
ref.writeInt64LE(buf, 0, '9223372036854775807');


Shorthand for ref.writeObject(this, …).

Writes a pointer to object into buffer at the specified _offset.

This function "attaches" object to buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.

var buf = ref.alloc('Object');
ref.writeObject(buf, 0, { foo: 'bar' });


Shorthand for ref.writePointer(this, …).

Writes the memory address of pointer to buffer at the specified offset.

This function "attaches" object to buffer to prevent it from being garbage collected.

var someBuffer = new Buffer('whatever');
var buf = ref.alloc('pointer');
ref.writePointer(buf, 0, someBuffer);


Shorthand for ref.writeUInt64BE(this, …).

Writes the input Number or String as a big-endian unsigned 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64BE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');


Shorthand for ref.writeUInt64LE(this, …).

Writes the input Number or String as a little-endian unsigned 64-bit int into buffer at the given offset.

var buf = ref.alloc('uint64');
ref.writeUInt64LE(buf, 0, '18446744073709551615');
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