
The NodeJS ⇆ Objective-C Bridge



Represents a wrapped IMP (a.k.a. method implementation). IMPs are function pointers for methods. The first two arguments are always:

  1. self - The object instance the method is being called on.
  2. _cmd - The SEL selector of the method being invoked.

Any additional arguments that get passed are the actual arguments that get passed along to the method.


This is a private function used internally by NodObjC. You should not need to use this function in your code.

Creates an ffi Function Pointer to the passed in 'func' Function. The function gets wrapped in an "wrapper" function, which wraps the passed in arguments, and unwraps the return value.

function createWrapperPointer (func, type) {
  if (func.pointer) {
    debug('Detected an \'unwrapper\' function, returning original pointer')
    return func.pointer
  var rtnType = type.retval || type[0] || 'v'
    , argTypes = type.args || type[1] || []
    , ffiDef = [, types.mapArray(argTypes)]
    , ffiCb = new core.Callback(ffiDef, wrapper)
  function wrapper () {
    var args = core.wrapValues(arguments, argTypes)
      , rtn = func.apply(null, args)
    return core.unwrapValue(rtn, rtnType)
  return ffiCb.getPointer()


This is a private function used internally by NodObjC. You should not need to use this function in your code.

Creates a JS Function from the passed in function pointer. When the returned function is invoked, the passed in arguments are unwrapped before being passed to the native function, and the return value is wrapped up before being returned for real.

function createUnwrapperFunction (funcPtr, type) {
  var rtnType = type.retval || type[0] || 'v'
    , argTypes = type.args || type[1] || []
    , func =
                                      , types.mapArray(argTypes))
  function unwrapper () {
    var args = core.unwrapValues(arguments, argTypes)
      , rtn = func.apply(null, args)
    return core.wrapValue(rtn, rtnType)
  unwrapper.retval = rtnType
  unwrapper.args = argTypes
  unwrapper.pointer = funcPtr
  return unwrapper
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